#include #include #include #include #include "info.h" #include "units.h" #include "../umath/vec.h" #include "../json/jsmn.h" #include "../json/jsonparse.h" int type_damage_map (char strdmg[][32]) { strcpy(strdmg[0], "pierce"); strcpy(strdmg[1], "laser"); strcpy(strdmg[2], "impact"); strcpy(strdmg[3], "fusion"); strcpy(strdmg[4], "explosive"); strcpy(strdmg[5], "emp"); strcpy(strdmg[6], "spread"); } int damage_type_map (char *strdmg) { if (strcmp(strdmg, "pierce") == 0) return 0; if (strcmp(strdmg, "laser") == 0) return 1; if (strcmp(strdmg, "impact") == 0) return 2; if (strcmp(strdmg, "fusion") == 0) return 3; if (strcmp(strdmg, "explosive") == 0) return 4; if (strcmp(strdmg, "emp") == 0) return 5; if (strcmp(strdmg, "spread") == 0) return 6; printf("info: damage type unknown\n"); return -1; } void info_unit_init (info_unit *u) { strcpy(u->name, "nameless"); u->chassis = -1; u->battery = -1; u->brain = -1; for(int i=0; i<8; u->weapons[i] = -1, u->armor[i] = -1, i++); for(int i=0; i<16; u->augs[i] = -1, i++); for(int i=0; i<34; u->levels[i] = 0, i++); } void info_unit_printf (info_unit *u) { printf("name: %s\n", u->name); printf("chassis: %d; ", u->chassis); printf("battery: %d; ", u->battery); printf("brain: %d\n", u->brain); printf("weapon: "); for(int i=0; i<8; printf("%d, ", u->weapons[i]), i++); printf("\narmor: "); for(int i=0; i<8; printf("%d, ", u->armor[i]), i++); printf("\naugs: "); for(int i=0; i<16; printf("%d, ", u->augs[i]), i++); printf("\nlevels: "); for(int i=0; i<34; printf("%d, ", u->levels[i]), i++); printf("\n"); } /* float info_unit_get_cost (infos *info, info_unit *u) { // see design/notes.txt:implement cost function float sum = 0; int lc = u->levels[LEVEL_CHASSIS]; info_chassis *chassis = info->chassis+u->chassis; float sumchassis = 0; sumchassis += powf(2, chassis->slot_weapon[lc])*20; sumchassis += powf(2, chassis->slot_armor[lc])*10; sumchassis += powf(2, chassis->slot_aug[lc])*5; sumchassis += chassis->weight_max[lc]/5; sumchassis += chassis->hp[lc]/20; sumchassis += chassis->speed[lc]*32; sum += sumchassis; if (u->battery != -1) { int lb = u->levels[LEVEL_BATTERY]; info_battery *battery = info->batteries+u->battery; float sumbattery = 0; sumbattery += battery->capacity[lb]; sum += sumbattery; } for(int i=0; i<8; i++) { int lw = u->levels[LEVEL_WEAPONS+i]; int la = u->levels[LEVEL_ARMOR+i]; if (u->weapons[i] != -1 && islot_weapon[lc]) { info_weapon *weapon = info->weapons+u->weapons[i]; float sumweap = 0; float dam = info_unit_get_damage(info, u, i); float cool = info_unit_get_cooldown(info, u, i); float damtot = dam / cool; float aoe = info_unit_get_aoe(info, u, i); float knockback = info_unit_get_knockback(info, u, i); float stun = info_unit_get_stun(info, u, i); float mult = 1+aoe*5 + 10; damtot = damtot*mult; damtot += knockback * 20 + stun * 50; sumweap = damtot; sum += sumweap; } } for(int t=0; t<7; t++) { float armortot = info_unit_get_armor(info, u, t) * 3; sum += armortot; } return sum; } */ void info_unit_parse (char *json, info_unit *u, jsmntok_t *t, int r, infos *info) { info_unit_init(u); int obj_i = 0, dict_i = -1; for (int i=0; iname, t+i+1); i++; } if (strcmp(key, "chassis") == 0) { char val[32]; substr_token(json, val, t+i+1); u->chassis = atoi(val); } if (strcmp(key, "brain") == 0) { char val[32]; substr_token(json, val, t+i+1); u->brain = atoi(val); } if (strcmp(key, "battery") == 0) { char val[32]; substr_token(json, val, t+i+1); u->battery = atoi(val); } if (strcmp(key, "weapons") == 0) { int rt = json_parse_subtokens(json, t, r, i+1); json_parse_array(json, u->weapons, t+i+2, rt-1, 'c'); i++; } if (strcmp(key, "armor") == 0) { int rt = json_parse_subtokens(json, t, r, i+1); json_parse_array(json, u->armor, t+i+2, rt-1, 'c'); i++; } if (strcmp(key, "augs") == 0) { int rt = json_parse_subtokens(json, t, r, i+1); json_parse_array(json, u->augs, t+i+2, rt-1, 'c'); i++; } if (strcmp(key, "levels") == 0) { int rt = json_parse_subtokens(json, t, r, i+1); json_parse_array(json, u->levels, t+i+2, rt-1, 'c'); i++; } } } } void info_parse_json (infos *info, char *json, char *obj) { jsmn_parser p; jsmn_init(&p); jsmntok_t t[MAXTOKENS]; int r = jsmn_parse(&p, json, strlen(json), t, MAXTOKENS); int index = 0; for (int i=1; itemplates+index, t+i+1, rt, info); info->templateslen ++; } index ++; i += rt-1; } } } #define LOOP(x) for (int z=0; zdamage[z] = 0; weap->cooldown = 0; weap->range = 0; weap->aoe = 0; weap->knockback = 0; weap->damage_battery = 0; weap->stun = 0; LOOP(7) weap->armor_reduce[z] = 0; weap->charge_per_shot = 0; } // frame = 0 void stats_frame_init (stats_frame *frame) { frame->hp = 0; frame->weight = 0; frame->weight_max = 0; frame->slot_weapon = 0; frame->slot_armor = 0; frame->slot_aug = 0; frame->speed = 0; frame->upkeep = 0; frame->capacity = 0; frame->recharge = 0; LOOP(7) frame->armor[z] = 0; } // stats = 0 void stats_comp_init (stats_comp *comp) { strcpy(comp->name, "-"); strcpy(comp->description, "-"); LOOP(MAXLEVEL) { stats_frame_init(comp->base +z); stats_frame_init(comp->perc +z); stats_weapon_init(comp->base_weapon +z); stats_weapon_init(comp->perc_weapon +z); } } #define PRINT_STRUCT(obj, text, attr, type) { \ if (obj->attr != 0) {\ sprintf(arr[i], "%s: %"#type, text, obj->attr); \ i ++;\ }\ } void printf_arr (char arr[][64], int n) { for (int i=0; idamage_types[i]); PRINT_STRUCT(frame, str, armor[z], f); } return i; } int stats_weapon_sprintf (infos *info, stats_weapon *weap, char arr[][64]) { int i = 0; LOOP(7) { char str[64]; sprintf(str, "%s damage", info->damage_types[i]); PRINT_STRUCT(weap, str, damage[z], .1f); } PRINT_STRUCT(weap, "cooldown", cooldown, .2f); PRINT_STRUCT(weap, "aoe", aoe, .0f); PRINT_STRUCT(weap, "range", range, .0f); PRINT_STRUCT(weap, "knockback", knockback, .0f); PRINT_STRUCT(weap, "drain charge", damage_battery, .1f); PRINT_STRUCT(weap, "stun", stun, .0f); PRINT_STRUCT(weap, "charge per shot", charge_per_shot, .2f); LOOP(7) { char str[64]; sprintf(str, "%s armor reduce", info->damage_types[i]); PRINT_STRUCT(weap, str, armor_reduce[z], .1f); } return i; } void stats_comp_printf (infos *info, stats_comp *comp) { printf("name: %s\n", comp->name); printf("description: %s\n", comp->description); char arr[32][64]; LOOP(MAXLEVEL) { printf(" level %d ->\n", z); { int n = stats_frame_sprintf(info, comp->base +z, arr); printf_arr(arr, n); } { int n = stats_frame_sprintf(info, comp->perc +z, arr); printf_arr(arr, n); } { int n = stats_weapon_sprintf(info, comp->base_weapon +z, arr); printf_arr(arr, n); } { int n = stats_weapon_sprintf(info, comp->perc_weapon +z, arr); printf_arr(arr, n); } } } void stats_unit_printf (infos *info, stats_unit *u) { char arr[32][64]; { int n = stats_frame_sprintf (info, &u->frame, arr); printf_arr(arr, n); } LOOP(u->weaponlen) { int n = stats_weapon_sprintf(info, u->weapon +z, arr); if (n>0) printf(" weapon: \n"); printf_arr(arr, n); } } // stats_unit = 0 void stats_unit_init (stats_unit *s) { stats_frame_init(&s->frame); LOOP(8) stats_weapon_init(&s->weapon[z]); s->weaponlen = 0; } // frame a += b void stats_frame_sum (stats_frame *a, stats_frame *b) { a->hp += b->hp; a->weight += b->weight; a->weight_max += b->weight_max; a->slot_weapon += b->slot_weapon; a->slot_armor += b->slot_armor; a->slot_aug += b->slot_aug; a->speed += b->speed; a->upkeep += b->upkeep; a->capacity += b->capacity; a->recharge += b->recharge; LOOP(7) a->armor[z] += b->armor[z]; } // weapon a += b void stats_weapon_sum (stats_weapon *a, stats_weapon *b) { LOOP(7) a->damage[z] += b->damage[z]; a->cooldown += b->cooldown; a->range += b->range; a->aoe += b->aoe; a->knockback += b->knockback; a->damage_battery += b->damage_battery; a->stun += b->stun; LOOP(7) a->armor_reduce[z] += b->armor_reduce[z]; a->charge_per_shot += b->charge_per_shot; } // stats_unit a += b void stats_unit_sum (stats_unit *a, stats_unit *b) { stats_frame_sum(&a->frame, &b->frame); LOOP(8) stats_weapon_sum(&a->weapon[z], &b->weapon[z]); } // base, perc += comp.base, comp.perc void stats_unit_comp_sum (stats_unit *base, stats_unit *perc, stats_comp *comp, int lvl) { stats_frame_sum (&base->frame, &comp->base[lvl]); stats_frame_sum (&perc->frame, &comp->perc[lvl]); for (int i=0; i<8; i++) { stats_weapon_sum (&base->weapon[i], &comp->base_weapon[lvl]); stats_weapon_sum (&perc->weapon[i], &comp->perc_weapon[lvl]); } } float f_perc_norm (float x) { return x*0.01+1; } // frame a *= b void stats_frame_mul (stats_frame *a, stats_frame *b) { a->hp *= b->hp; a->weight *= b->weight; a->weight_max *= b->weight_max; a->slot_weapon *= b->slot_weapon; a->slot_armor *= b->slot_armor; a->slot_aug *= b->slot_aug; a->speed *= b->speed; a->upkeep *= b->upkeep; a->capacity *= b->capacity; a->recharge *= b->recharge; LOOP(7) a->armor[z] *= b->armor[z]; } // weapon a *= b void stats_weapon_mul (stats_weapon *a, stats_weapon *b) { LOOP(7) a->damage[z] *= b->damage[z]; a->cooldown *= b->cooldown; a->range *= b->range; a->aoe *= b->aoe; a->knockback *= b->knockback; a->damage_battery *= b->damage_battery; a->stun *= b->stun; LOOP(7) a->armor_reduce[z] *= b->armor_reduce[z]; a->charge_per_shot *= b->charge_per_shot; } void stats_unit_mul (stats_unit *base, stats_unit *perc) { stats_frame_mul (&base->frame, &perc->frame); for (int i=0; i<8; i++) { stats_weapon_mul (&base->weapon[i], &perc->weapon[i]); } } // map void stats_frame_map (stats_frame *a, float (*f)(float)) { a->hp = f(a->hp); a->weight = f(a->weight); a->weight_max = f(a->weight_max); a->slot_weapon = f(a->slot_weapon); a->slot_armor = f(a->slot_armor); a->slot_aug = f(a->slot_aug); a->speed = f(a->speed); a->upkeep = f(a->upkeep); a->capacity = f(a->capacity); a->recharge = f(a->recharge); LOOP(7) a->armor[z] = f(a->armor[z]); } void stats_weapon_map (stats_weapon *a, float (*f)(float)) { LOOP(7) a->damage[z] = f(a->damage[z]); a->cooldown = f(a->cooldown); a->range = f(a->range); a->aoe = f(a->aoe); a->knockback = f(a->knockback); a->damage_battery = f(a->damage_battery); a->stun = f(a->stun); LOOP(7) a->armor_reduce[z] = f(a->armor_reduce[z]); a->charge_per_shot = f(a->charge_per_shot); } void stats_unit_map (stats_unit *base, float (*f)(float)) { stats_frame_map (&base->frame, f); for (int i=0; i<8; i++) { stats_weapon_map (&base->weapon[i], f); } } // fold float stats_frame_fold (stats_frame *frame, float (*f)(float, float)) { float v = 0; v = f(v, frame->hp); v = f(v, frame->weight); v = f(v, frame->weight_max); v = f(v, frame->slot_weapon); v = f(v, frame->slot_armor); v = f(v, frame->slot_aug); v = f(v, frame->speed); v = f(v, frame->upkeep); v = f(v, frame->capacity); v = f(v, frame->recharge); LOOP(7) v = f(v, frame->armor[z]); return v; } float stats_weapon_fold (stats_weapon *weapon, float (*f)(float, float)) { float v = 0; LOOP(7) v = f(v, weapon->damage[z]); v = f(v, weapon->cooldown); v = f(v, weapon->range); v = f(v, weapon->aoe); v = f(v, weapon->knockback); v = f(v, weapon->damage_battery); v = f(v, weapon->stun); LOOP(7) v = f(v, weapon->armor_reduce[z]); v = f(v, weapon->charge_per_shot); return v; } float stats_unit_fold (stats_unit *base, float (*f)(float, float)) { float v = 0; v = f(v, stats_frame_fold (&base->frame, f)); for (int i=0; i<8; i++) { v = f(v, stats_weapon_fold (&base->weapon[i], f)); } return v; } float f_clamp_positive (float x) { if (x < 0) x = 0; } // compute all necessary components stats of u into base void stats_unit_compute (infos *info, info_unit *u, stats_unit *base) { stats_unit_init(base); stats_unit perc; stats_unit_init(&perc); { stats_comp *comp = &info->stats[STATS_CHASSIS][u->chassis]; int lvl = u->levels[LEVEL_CHASSIS]; stats_unit_comp_sum(base, &perc, comp, lvl); }; { stats_comp *comp = &info->stats[STATS_BRAIN][u->brain]; int lvl = u->levels[LEVEL_BRAIN]; stats_unit_comp_sum(base, &perc, comp, lvl); }; { stats_comp *comp = &info->stats[STATS_BATTERY][u->battery]; int lvl = u->levels[LEVEL_BATTERY]; stats_unit_comp_sum(base, &perc, comp, lvl); }; for (int i=0; i<8; i++) { if (u->armor[i] != -1 && iframe.slot_armor) { stats_comp *comp = &info->stats[STATS_ARMOR][u->armor[i]]; int lvl = u->levels[LEVEL_ARMOR+i]; stats_unit_comp_sum(base, &perc, comp, lvl); } } for (int i=0; i<16; i++) { if (u->augs[i] != -1 && iframe.slot_aug) { stats_comp *comp = &info->stats[STATS_AUGS][u->augs[i]]; int lvl = u->levels[LEVEL_AUGS+i]; stats_unit_comp_sum(base, &perc, comp, lvl); } } int wn = 0; for (int i=0; i<8; i++) { if (u->weapons[i] != -1 && iframe.slot_weapon) { stats_comp *comp = &info->stats[STATS_WEAPONS][u->weapons[i]]; int lvl = u->levels[LEVEL_WEAPONS+i]; stats_frame_sum (&base->frame, &comp->base[lvl]); stats_frame_sum (&perc.frame, &comp->perc[lvl]); stats_weapon_sum (&base->weapon[wn], &comp->base_weapon[lvl]); stats_weapon_sum (&perc.weapon[wn], &comp->perc_weapon[lvl]); wn ++; } } base->weaponlen = wn; stats_unit_map(&perc, f_perc_norm); for (int w=0; wdamage[i] * (1- frame->armor[i]*0.01); } return damage; } float f_add1 (float x) { return x+1; } void cost_weights_init (stats_unit *w) { stats_unit_init(w); stats_unit_map(w, f_add1); } float f_sum (float a, float b) { return a+b; } float stats_compute_cost (stats_unit *w, stats_unit *base) { stats_unit costed = *base; stats_unit_mul(&costed, w); float cost = stats_unit_fold(&costed, f_sum); return cost; } #define MATCH(frame, attr, type) {\ if (strcmp(key, #frame"_"#attr) == 0) {\ int rt = json_parse_subtokens(json, t, r, i+1); \ if (type == 'f') {\ float v[3]; json_parse_array(json, v, t+i+2, rt-1, type);\ LOOP(MAXLEVEL) comp->frame[z].attr = v[z];\ } if (type == 'i') {\ int v[3]; json_parse_array(json, v, t+i+2, rt-1, type);\ LOOP(MAXLEVEL) comp->frame[z].attr = v[z];\ }\ i += rt;\ }\ } #define MATCH_ARRAY(frame, attr, attr2, type, num) {\ char str[64]; sprintf(str, "%s%s", #frame"_"#attr"_", attr2);\ if (strcmp(key, str) == 0) {\ int rt = json_parse_subtokens(json, t, r, i+1); \ float v[3]; json_parse_array(json, v, t+i+2, rt-1, type);\ LOOP(MAXLEVEL) comp->frame[z].attr[num] = v[z];\ i += rt;\ }\ } void stats_comp_parse (char *json, stats_comp *comp, jsmntok_t *t, int r, infos *info) { stats_comp_init(comp); int obj_i = 0, dict_i = -1; for (int i=0; iname, t+i+1); i++; } if (strcmp(key, "description") == 0) { substr_token(json, comp->description, t+i+1); i++; } MATCH(base, hp, 'f'); MATCH(base, weight, 'f'); MATCH(base, weight_max, 'f'); MATCH(base, slot_weapon, 'i'); MATCH(base, slot_armor, 'i'); MATCH(base, slot_aug, 'i'); MATCH(base, speed, 'f'); MATCH(base, upkeep, 'f'); MATCH(base, capacity, 'f'); MATCH(base, recharge, 'f'); for (int j=0;j<7; j++) { MATCH_ARRAY(base, armor, info->damage_types[j], 'f', j); } MATCH(perc, hp, 'f'); MATCH(perc, weight, 'f'); MATCH(perc, weight_max, 'f'); MATCH(perc, slot_weapon, 'i'); MATCH(perc, slot_armor, 'i'); MATCH(perc, slot_aug, 'i'); MATCH(perc, speed, 'f'); MATCH(perc, upkeep, 'f'); MATCH(perc, capacity, 'f'); MATCH(perc, recharge, 'f'); for (int j=0;j<7; j++) { MATCH_ARRAY(perc, armor, info->damage_types[j], 'f', j); } MATCH(base_weapon, cooldown, 'f'); MATCH(base_weapon, range, 'f'); MATCH(base_weapon, aoe, 'f'); MATCH(base_weapon, knockback, 'f'); MATCH(base_weapon, damage_battery, 'f'); MATCH(base_weapon, stun, 'f'); MATCH(base_weapon, charge_per_shot, 'f'); for (int j=0;j<7; j++) { MATCH_ARRAY(base_weapon, damage, info->damage_types[j], 'f', j); } for (int j=0;j<7; j++) { MATCH_ARRAY(base_weapon, armor_reduce, info->damage_types[j], 'f', j); } MATCH(perc_weapon, cooldown, 'f'); MATCH(perc_weapon, range, 'f'); MATCH(perc_weapon, aoe, 'f'); MATCH(perc_weapon, knockback, 'f'); MATCH(perc_weapon, damage_battery, 'f'); MATCH(perc_weapon, stun, 'f'); MATCH(perc_weapon, charge_per_shot, 'f'); for (int j=0;j<7; j++) { MATCH_ARRAY(perc_weapon, damage, info->damage_types[j], 'f', j); } for (int j=0;j<7; j++) { MATCH_ARRAY(perc_weapon, armor_reduce, info->damage_types[j], 'f', j); } } } } void info_stats_parse (infos *info, char *json, int stats_type) { jsmn_parser p; jsmn_init(&p); jsmntok_t t[MAXTOKENS]; int r = jsmn_parse(&p, json, strlen(json), t, MAXTOKENS); int index = 0; for (int i=1; istats[stats_type] +info->statslen[stats_type]; stats_comp_parse(json, comp, t+i+1, rt, info); info->statslen[stats_type] ++; i += rt-1; } } } int info_read_file (char *dst, char *name, int size) { memset(dst, 0, size*sizeof(char)); FILE *f = fopen(name, "rb"); fseek(f, 0, SEEK_END); long fsize = ftell(f); fseek(f, 0, SEEK_SET); fread(dst, 1, fsize, f); fclose(f); dst[fsize] = '\0'; return fsize; } void info_load (infos *info) { int size = 1024*64; char json[size]; type_damage_map(info->damage_types); cost_weights_init(&info->cost_weights); info->templateslen = 0; info_read_file(json, "content/templates/default.txt", size); info_parse_json(info, json, "template"); char files[6][32] = { "content/chassis.txt", "content/brains.txt", "content/batteries.txt", "content/weapons.txt", "content/armor.txt", "content/augments.txt" }; for (int i=0; i<6; i++) { info->stats[i] = (stats_comp*)malloc(64*sizeof(stats_comp)); if (info->stats[i] != NULL) { info->statslen[i] = 0; info_read_file(json, files[i], size); info_stats_parse(info, json, i); } else { printf("error: out of memory in allocating for stats"); } } /* info_unit *u = info->templates+0; stats_unit base; stats_unit_compute(info, u, &base); stats_unit_printf(info, &base); */ } void info_dump_json_templates (infos *info, char *str) { int len = 0; sprintf(str+len, "[ \n"); len = strlen(str); for (int i=0; itemplateslen; i++) { info_unit *u = info->templates+i; sprintf(str+len, " { \n \"name\": \"%s\",\n", u->name); len = strlen(str); sprintf(str+len, " \"chassis\": \"%d\",\n", u->chassis); len = strlen(str); sprintf(str+len, " \"brain\": \"%d\",\n", u->brain); len = strlen(str); sprintf(str+len, " \"battery\": \"%d\",\n", u->battery); len = strlen(str); char w0[64]; json_dump_array(w0, u->weapons, 8, 'c'); sprintf(str+len, " \"weapons\": %s,\n", w0); len = strlen(str); char w1[64]; json_dump_array(w1, u->armor, 8, 'c'); sprintf(str+len, " \"armor\": %s,\n", w1); len = strlen(str); char w2[64]; json_dump_array(w2, u->augs, 8, 'c'); sprintf(str+len, " \"augs\": %s,\n", w2); len = strlen(str); char w3[128]; json_dump_array(w3, u->levels, 35, 'c'); sprintf(str+len, " \"levels\": %s\n", w3); len = strlen(str); char comma = ','; if(i==info->templateslen-1) comma = ' '; sprintf(str+len, " }%c\n", comma); len = strlen(str); } sprintf(str+len, "]"); len = strlen(str); } void info_save_templates (infos *info, char *filename) { char src[1024*64]; info_dump_json_templates(info, src); char pathname[64]; sprintf(pathname, "content/templates/%s.txt", filename); FILE *f = fopen(pathname, "wb"); fwrite(src, 1, strlen(src)*sizeof(char), f); fclose(f); } void info_template_add (infos *info, info_unit *temp) { if (info->templateslen < MAXTEMPLATES) { info->templates[info->templateslen] = *temp; info->templateslen++; } } void info_template_rm (infos *info, int n) { for (int i=0; itemplateslen-1; i++) { if (i >= n) { info->templates[i] = info->templates[i+1]; } } info->templateslen--; } void info_load_army(struct army_ *ar, char *filename) { strcpy(ar->name, filename); char buf[1024*64]; char pathname[64]; sprintf(pathname, "army/%s.txt", filename); int len = info_read_file(buf, pathname, 1024*64); memcpy(ar, buf, len-1); ar->grid = NULL; army_grid_init(ar); } void info_save_army(struct army_ *ar, char *filename) { strcpy(ar->name, filename); char pathname[64]; sprintf(pathname, "army/%s.txt", filename); FILE *f = fopen(pathname, "wb"); fwrite(ar, 1, sizeof(army), f); fclose(f); } void info_load_playername(char n[]) { char buf[1024]; int len = info_read_file(buf, "player.txt", 1024); memcpy(n, buf, sizeof(char)*len); } void info_save_playername(char n[]) { FILE *f = fopen("player.txt", "wb"); fwrite(n, 1, strlen(n)*sizeof(char), f); fclose(f); } #include int info_army_get_list (char l[][32]) { int len = 0; PDirEntry *entry; PDir *dir = p_dir_new ("army/", NULL); while ((entry = p_dir_get_next_entry (dir, NULL)) != NULL) { if (entry->type == P_DIR_ENTRY_TYPE_FILE) { strcpy(l[len], entry->name); l[len][strlen(l[len])-4] = '\0'; // del .txt len++; } } return len; } void info_army_rename (char oldn[], char newn[]) { char pathnameold[64]; sprintf(pathnameold, "army/%s.txt", oldn); char pathnamenew[64]; sprintf(pathnamenew, "army/%s.txt", newn); rename(pathnameold, pathnamenew); } void info_army_remove (char name[]) { char pathname[64]; sprintf(pathname, "army/%s.txt", name); remove(pathname); }