#include #include #include #include #include #include #include // TODO: make sound module mabye? #define SOUND_MOUSE_OVER 0 #define SOUND_MOUSE_CLICK_0 1 #define SOUND_MOUSE_WHEEL 2 #define SOUND_SUCCESS 3 // INIT void init_overlay_battle (graphic_settings *gs, overlay_battle *ob, txtd *t) { int w = 400, h = 100; int x = gs->resx-w-10, y = 10; ob->rect_back = { x, y, w, h }; } void init_sel_chassis (graphic_settings *gs, hud_sel *sc, txtd *t, SDL_Rect back, float start) { sc->start = start; sc->nav = 0; sc->rect_back = back; } void init_form_new_unit (graphic_settings *gs, form_new_unit *fnu, txtd *t) { int w = 290+200+300+20*2+10*4 + 30*3 + 200, h = 145+300+20*2+10*1 + 30*2; int x = gs->resx/2-w/2, y = gs->resy/2-h/2; fnu->rect_back = { x, y, w, h }; fnu->rect_chassis = { x+20, y+20+145+10+30, 300, 300 }; fnu->rect_brain = { x+20, y+20+30, 145, 145 }; fnu->rect_battery = { x+150+25, y+20+30, 145, 145 }; for (int i=0; i<8; i++) { fnu->rect_weapons[i] = { x+20+300+10+30, y+20+120*i +30, 200, 110 }; } for (int i=0; i<8; i++) { fnu->rect_armor[i] = { x+20+500+20+30*2, y+20+60*i +30, 150, 50 }; } for (int i=0; i<8; i++) { fnu->rect_augs[i] = { x+20+500+20+160+30*2, y+20+60*i +30, 150, 50 }; } fnu->rect_stats = { x+w-20-200, y+20, 200, h-70 }; int width = get_text_width("save", t); button bdone = { "save", 4, { x+w-4*2-width-20, y+h-4*2-11-20 } }; fnu->done = bdone; } void init_overlay_game (graphic_settings *gs, overlay_game *og, txtd *t) { int w = 250, h = gs->resy-20; og->rect_templates = { 10, gs->resy-10-h, w, h }; float wnu = get_text_width("new template", t); button b = { "new template", 4, { w-wnu-4*2+5, 10+5 } }; og->new_template = b; float wst = get_text_width("save templates", t); button b2 = { "save templates", 4, { w-wst-4*2+5, gs->resy-20-4*2-5 } }; og->save_templates = b2; int warmy = 250, harmy = gs->resy-20; og->rect_army = { gs->resx-warmy-10, gs->resy-harmy-10, warmy, harmy }; button b3 = { "save army", 4, { gs->resx-warmy-5, gs->resy-20-4*2-5 } }; og->save_army = b3; { int w = get_text_width("delete army", t); button b = { "delete army", 4, { gs->resx-w-4*2-15, gs->resy-20-4*2-5 } }; og->delete_army = b; } { int w = get_text_width("new army", t); button b = { "new army", 4, { gs->resx-warmy-5, gs->resy-15-4*4-20-5 } }; og->new_army = b; } int wbattle = 400, hbattle = 100; og->rect_battle = { gs->resx/2-wbattle/2, 10, wbattle, hbattle }; float wsb = get_text_width("start battle", t); button b1 = { "start battle", 4, { og->rect_battle.x+wbattle-wsb-4*2-5, hbattle-4*2-5 } }; og->start_battle = b1; button b4 = { "host game", 4, { og->rect_battle.x+5, hbattle-4*2-5 } }; og->host_game = b4; button b5 = { "join game", 4, { og->rect_battle.x+5, hbattle-4*2-5-25 } }; og->join_game = b5; } void hud_reset (graphic_settings *gs, hud *h, txtd *t) { init_form_new_unit(gs, &h->fnu, t); init_overlay_battle(gs, &h->ob, t); init_overlay_game(gs, &h->og, t); SDL_Rect clip = { h->fnu.rect_back.x, h->sc.ref->y, h->fnu.rect_back.w, 300 }; float start = h->sc.ref->x - h->fnu.rect_back.x; init_sel_chassis(gs, &h->sc, t, clip, start); } void hud_init (graphic_settings *gs, hud *h, txtd *t) { h->fnu.sel = 0; h->fnu.ind = 0; h->sc.ref = &h->fnu.rect_chassis; h->og.temp_place = -1; info_unit_init(&h->fnu.uinfo); h->og.army_listcur = 0; strcpy(h->og.playername, ""); strcpy(h->og.ip, ""); strcpy(h->ob.oppo, "cpu"); h->nameedit = NULL; h->og.battle_state = 0; h->og.input_playername = 0; h->og.input_ip = 0; h->og.input_army = -1; h->og.input_temp = -1; h->og.start_battle_flag = 0; hud_reset(gs, h, t); } void hud_resize (graphic_settings *gs, hud *h, txtd *t) { hud_reset(gs, h, t); } // PROCESS int hud_fnu_check (info_unit *u, infos *info) { if (u->chassis == -1) return 1; if (u->battery == -1) return 2; if (u->brain == -1) return 3; int chassis_lvl = u->levels[LEVEL_CHASSIS]; stats_unit base; stats_unit_compute(info, u, &base); if (base.frame.weight > base.frame.weight_max) { return 4; } return 0; } void hud_map_sel (info_unit *u, infos *info, int sel, int ind, int8_t **n, int *bound, int size[]) { *bound = info->statslen[sel]; if (sel == 0) { *n = &u->chassis; size[0] = 300; size[1] = 300; } if (sel == 1) { *n = &u->brain; size[0] = 145; size[1] = 145; } if (sel == 2) { *n = &u->battery; size[0] = 145; size[1] = 145; } if (sel == 3) { *n = &u->weapons[ind]; size[0] = 200; size[1] = 170; } if (sel == 4) { *n = &u->armor[ind]; size[0] = 150; size[1] = 200; } if (sel == 5) { *n = &u->augs[ind]; size[0] = 150; size[1] = 200; } } void hud_process_sel (graphic_settings *gs, hud *h, MKb *mkb, infos *info, army *ar, map *m, txtd *t, Mix_Chunk *sounds[]) { if (mkb->mwheeldelta != 0) { Mix_PlayChannel( -1, sounds[SOUND_MOUSE_WHEEL], 0 ); } int8_t *n = NULL; int bound = 0; int size[2]; hud_map_sel(&h->fnu.uinfo, info, h->fnu.sel, h->fnu.ind, &n, &bound, size); h->sc.nav += mkb->mwheeldelta*size[0]; if (h->sc.nav > (*n+1)*size[0]) { h->sc.nav = (*n+1)*size[0]; } if (h->sc.nav < (*n-bound+1)*size[0]) { h->sc.nav = (*n-bound+1)*size[0]; } float mousepos[2] = { mkb->mx, mkb->my }; if (mkb->mheld[0] == 1) { float possc[2] = { h->sc.rect_back.x, h->sc.rect_back.y }; float sizesc[2] = { h->sc.rect_back.w, h->sc.rect_back.h }; if (!pt_rect(mousepos, possc, sizesc)) { h->state = 1; } else { int i, inav = (int)h->sc.nav/size[0]; for (int j=-7;jsc.rect_back.w/size[0]+1; j++) { i = *n+j-inav; if (i<-1) continue; if (i>=bound) break; float x = h->sc.rect_back.x+size[0]*j +(int)h->sc.nav%size[0]+h->sc.start; float y = h->sc.rect_back.y; float pos[2] = {x, y}, s[2] = { size[0], size[1] }; if (pt_rect(mousepos, pos, s)) { *n = i; h->state = 1; Mix_PlayChannel( -1, sounds[SOUND_MOUSE_CLICK_0], 0 ); break; } } } } } void hud_edit_close(hud *h, infos *info) { if (h->og.input_playername != 0) { info_save_playername(h->og.playername); } h->og.input_playername = 0; h->og.input_ip = 0; if (h->og.input_army != -1) { info_army_rename(h->og.army_rename, h->nameedit); } h->og.input_army = -1; if (h->og.input_temp != -1) { info_save_templates(info, "default"); } h->og.input_temp = -1; h->nameedit = NULL; } void hud_open_fnu (hud *h, infos *info, info_unit *u, int i) { h->state = 1; h->fnu.uinfo = *u; h->og.temp_modify = i; hud_edit_close(h, info); } void hud_close_fnu (hud *h, infos *info) { if (hud_fnu_check(&h->fnu.uinfo, info) > 0) return; if (h->og.temp_modify == -1) { info_template_add(info, &h->fnu.uinfo); } else { info->templates[h->og.temp_modify] = h->fnu.uinfo; } info_save_templates(info, "default"); h->state = 0; } void hud_og_place(hud *h, int i) { h->og.temp_place = i; } void hud_open_sel (graphic_settings *gs, hud *h, txtd *t, infos *info, SDL_Rect *ref) { int8_t *n = NULL; int bound = 0; int size[2]; hud_map_sel(&h->fnu.uinfo, info, h->fnu.sel, h->fnu.ind, &n, &bound, size); h->sc.nav = 0; if (*n == -1) h->sc.nav -= size[0]; h->sc.ref = ref; hud_resize(gs, h, t); h->sc.rect_back.h = size[1]; } int hud_mouse_level (float *mp, float *pos, float *size) { for (int i=0; imx, mkb->my }; if (mkb->mheld[0] == 1) { if (mouse_in_button(mousepos, t, &h->fnu.done)) { hud_close_fnu(h, info); Mix_PlayChannel( -1, sounds[SOUND_SUCCESS], 0 ); /* for (int i=0; iuslen; i++) { unit *u = ar->us+i; unit_init(info, ar, m, u->gridpos[0], u->gridpos[1], &u->info, 0, u); }*/ } float possc[2] = { h->fnu.rect_chassis.x, h->fnu.rect_chassis.y }; float sizesc[2] = { h->fnu.rect_chassis.w, h->fnu.rect_chassis.h }; if (pt_rect(mousepos, possc, sizesc)) { int lvl = hud_mouse_level(mousepos, possc, sizesc); if (lvl != -1) h->fnu.uinfo.levels[LEVEL_CHASSIS] = lvl; else { h->fnu.sel = 0; h->state = 2; hud_open_sel(gs, h, t, info, &h->fnu.rect_chassis); } } float possb[2] = { h->fnu.rect_battery.x, h->fnu.rect_battery.y }; float sizesb[2] = { h->fnu.rect_battery.w, h->fnu.rect_battery.h }; if (pt_rect(mousepos, possb, sizesb)) { int lvl = hud_mouse_level(mousepos, possb, sizesb); if (lvl != -1) h->fnu.uinfo.levels[LEVEL_BATTERY] = lvl; else { h->fnu.sel = 2; h->state = 2; hud_open_sel(gs, h, t, info, &h->fnu.rect_battery); } } float possbr[2] = { h->fnu.rect_brain.x, h->fnu.rect_brain.y }; float sizesbr[2] = { h->fnu.rect_brain.w, h->fnu.rect_brain.h }; if (pt_rect(mousepos, possbr, sizesbr)) { int lvl = hud_mouse_level(mousepos, possbr, sizesbr); if (lvl != -1) h->fnu.uinfo.levels[LEVEL_BRAIN] = lvl; else { h->fnu.sel = 1; h->state = 2; hud_open_sel(gs, h, t, info, &h->fnu.rect_brain); } } if (h->fnu.uinfo.chassis != -1) { int lc = h->fnu.uinfo.levels[LEVEL_CHASSIS]; stats_comp *comp = info->stats[STATS_CHASSIS] +h->fnu.uinfo.chassis; for (int i=0; ibase[lc].slot_armor; i++) { float possa[2] = { h->fnu.rect_armor[i].x, h->fnu.rect_armor[i].y }; float sizesa[2] = { h->fnu.rect_armor[i].w, h->fnu.rect_armor[i].h }; if (pt_rect(mousepos, possa, sizesa)) { int lvl = hud_mouse_level(mousepos, possa, sizesa); if (lvl != -1) h->fnu.uinfo.levels[LEVEL_ARMOR+i] = lvl; else { h->fnu.sel = 4; h->fnu.ind = i; h->state = 2; hud_open_sel(gs, h, t, info, &h->fnu.rect_armor[i]); } } } for (int i=0; ibase[lc].slot_weapon; i++) { float possa[2] = { h->fnu.rect_weapons[i].x, h->fnu.rect_weapons[i].y }; float sizesa[2] = { h->fnu.rect_weapons[i].w, h->fnu.rect_weapons[i].h }; if (pt_rect(mousepos, possa, sizesa)) { int lvl = hud_mouse_level(mousepos, possa, sizesa); if (lvl != -1) h->fnu.uinfo.levels[LEVEL_WEAPONS+i] = lvl; else { h->fnu.sel = 3; h->fnu.ind = i; h->state = 2; hud_open_sel(gs, h, t, info, &h->fnu.rect_weapons[i]); } } } for (int i=0; ibase[lc].slot_armor; i++) { float possa[2] = { h->fnu.rect_augs[i].x, h->fnu.rect_augs[i].y }; float sizesa[2] = { h->fnu.rect_augs[i].w, h->fnu.rect_augs[i].h }; if (pt_rect(mousepos, possa, sizesa)) { int lvl = hud_mouse_level(mousepos, possa, sizesa); if (lvl != -1) h->fnu.uinfo.levels[LEVEL_AUGS+i] = lvl; else { h->fnu.sel = 5; h->fnu.ind = i; h->state = 2; hud_open_sel(gs, h, t, info, &h->fnu.rect_augs[i]); } } } } } } void hud_process_overlay_battle (graphic_settings *gs, hud *h, MKb *mkb, infos *info, army *ar, map *m, txtd *t, gamestate *gst, Mix_Chunk *sounds[]) { if (gst->over == 1) { h->state = 0; gst->state = 0; gst->cam[0] = -gs->resx/2+gst->map_editor.sx*gst->map_editor.ts/2; gst->cam[1] = -gs->resy/2+gst->map_editor.sy*gst->map_editor.ts/2; gst_toeditor(gst); } } void hud_process_overlay_game (graphic_settings *gs, hud *h, MKb *mkb, infos *info, army *ar, map *m, txtd *t, gamestate *gst, net_client *netc, net_server *nets, Mix_Chunk *sounds[]) { if (h->og.input_army != -1) { // hack to not pass gst to everything strcpy(gst->army_bp[0].name, h->nameedit); } if (h->og.battle_state == 1) { if (nets->sock_client == NULL) { net_server_accept(nets); } else { char buffer[1024*64]; int len = net_server_recv(nets, buffer); if (len != -1) { h->og.battle_state = 3; int armysize = sizeof(unit)*gst->army_bp[0].uslen + 64; char data[armysize]; memcpy(data, gst->army_bp[0].us, armysize); memcpy(data+armysize-64, h->og.playername, 32); memcpy(data+armysize-32, gst->army_bp[0].name, 32); net_server_send(nets, data, armysize); printf("send (%d)\n", armysize); int arlen = len-64; memcpy(gst->army_bp[1].us, buffer, arlen); gst->army_bp[1].uslen = arlen/sizeof(unit); memcpy(h->ob.oppo, buffer+arlen, 32); memcpy(gst->army_bp[1].name, buffer+arlen+32, 32); gst->playernum = 2; gst_tobattle(gst, info); gst->cam[0] = -gs->resx/2+gst->map_battle.sx*gst->map_battle.ts/2; gst->cam[1] = -gs->resy/2+gst->map_battle.sy*gst->map_battle.ts/2; h->state = 3; net_server_close(nets); hud_edit_close(h, info); } } } if (h->og.battle_state == 2) { char buffer[1024*64]; int len = net_client_recv(netc, buffer); if (len != -1) { h->og.battle_state = 3; int arlen = len-64; memcpy(gst->army_bp[1].us, buffer, arlen); gst->army_bp[1].uslen = arlen/sizeof(unit); memcpy(h->ob.oppo, buffer+arlen, 32); memcpy(gst->army_bp[1].name, buffer+arlen+32, 32); gst->playernum = 2; gst_tobattle(gst, info); gst->cam[0] = -gs->resx/2+gst->map_battle.sx*gst->map_battle.ts/2; gst->cam[1] = -gs->resy/2+gst->map_battle.sy*gst->map_battle.ts/2; h->state = 3; net_client_close(netc); hud_edit_close(h, info); } } float mousepos[2] = { mkb->mx, mkb->my }; if (mkb->mheld[0] == 1) { if (mouse_in_button(mousepos, t, &h->og.new_template)) { info_unit u; info_unit_init(&u); hud_open_fnu(h, info, &u, -1); h->og.temp_place = -1; } if (mouse_in_button(mousepos, t, &h->og.save_templates)) { info_save_templates(info, "default"); Mix_PlayChannel( -1, sounds[SOUND_SUCCESS], 0 ); } if (mouse_in_button(mousepos, t, &h->og.join_game)) { h->og.battle_state = 0; net_server_close(nets); printf("open client\n"); net_client_open(netc); int conn = net_client_connect(netc, h->og.ip, SERVER_PORT); if (conn == 0) { int armysize = sizeof(unit)*gst->army_bp[0].uslen + 64; char data[armysize]; memcpy(data, gst->army_bp[0].us, armysize); memcpy(data+armysize-64, h->og.playername, 32); memcpy(data+armysize-32, gst->army_bp[0].name, 32); net_client_send(netc, data, armysize); printf("send (%d)\n", armysize); h->og.battle_state = 2; } else { printf("close client"); net_client_close(netc); } } if (mouse_in_button(mousepos, t, &h->og.host_game)) { net_client_close(netc); printf("open server\n"); net_server_open(nets, "", SERVER_PORT); h->og.battle_state = 1; } if (mouse_in_button(mousepos, t, &h->og.save_army)) { int cur = h->og.army_listcur; info_save_army(gst->army_bp+0, h->og.army_list[cur]); h->og.army_listlen = info_army_get_list(h->og.army_list); } if (mouse_in_button(mousepos, t, &h->og.new_army)) { army ar; ar.uslen = 0; ar.sx = 10; ar.sy = 10; char name[32]; strcpy(name, "new army"); char namecmp[32]; strcpy(namecmp, name); for (int i=0; i<128; i++) { int flag = 0; for (int j=0; jog.army_listlen; j++) { sprintf(namecmp, "%s %d", name, i); if (strcmp(namecmp, h->og.army_list[j]) == 0) { flag = 1; break; } } if (flag == 0) break; } info_save_army(&ar, namecmp); h->og.army_listlen = info_army_get_list(h->og.army_list); for (int i=0; iog.army_listlen; i++) { if (strcmp(namecmp, h->og.army_list[i]) == 0) { h->og.army_listcur = i; break; } } } if (mouse_in_button(mousepos, t, &h->og.delete_army)) { if (h->og.army_listlen > 1) { if (h->og.input_army != -1) { h->og.input_army = -1; hud_edit_close(h, info); } int cur = h->og.army_listcur; info_army_remove(h->og.army_list[cur]); h->og.army_listlen = info_army_get_list(h->og.army_list); if (cur >= 0) h->og.army_listcur--; cur = h->og.army_listcur; info_load_army(gst->army_bp+0, h->og.army_list[cur]); } } if (h->og.temp_place != -1) { int x = (int)((mkb->mx+gst->cam[0])/32); int y = (int)((mkb->my+gst->cam[1])/32); if (x >= 0 && y >= 0 && x < m->sx && y < m->sy) { if (ar->grid[xytoi(m,x,y)] == NULL) { unit u; unit_init(info, ar, m, x, y, info->templates+h->og.temp_place, 0, &u); army_spawn(ar, m, u); } } else { h->og.temp_place = -1; } } for (int i=0; itemplateslen; i++) { float x = h->og.rect_templates.x+5; float y = h->og.rect_templates.y+5 + i*20 + 30; float wedit = get_text_width("edit", t); float possa[2] = { x, y }; float sizesa[2] = { wedit+4*2, 11+4*2 }; if (pt_rect(mousepos, possa, sizesa)) { hud_open_fnu(h, info, info->templates+i, i); h->og.temp_place = -1; } float wplace = get_text_width("place", t); float posp[2] = { x+wedit+4*2+5, y }; float sizep[2] = { wplace+4*2, 11+4*2 }; if (pt_rect(mousepos, posp, sizep)) { hud_og_place(h, i); } if (h->nameedit == NULL) { float pn[2] = { x+wedit+5+wplace+4*4, y+4 }; char *sname = info->templates[i].name; float w = get_text_width(sname, t); if (w==0) w = 5; float sizen[2] = { w, 10 }; if (pt_rect(mousepos, pn, sizen)) { h->nameedit = sname; h->og.input_temp = i; } } } for (int i=0; iog.army_listlen; i++) { float x = h->og.rect_army.x+5; float y = h->og.rect_army.y+5 + i*20 + 50; float wload = get_text_width("load", t)+4*2; float posp[2] = { x, y }; float sizep[2] = { wload, 11+4*2 }; if (pt_rect(mousepos, posp, sizep)) { if (h->og.start_battle_flag == 1) { // start battle h->og.start_battle_flag = 0; hud_edit_close(h, info); info_load_army(gst->army_bp+1, h->og.army_list[i]); gst->playernum = 2; gst_tobattle(gst, info); gst->cam[0] = -gs->resx/2 +gst->map_battle.sx*gst->map_battle.ts/2; gst->cam[1] = -gs->resy/2 +gst->map_battle.sy*gst->map_battle.ts/2; h->og.battle_state = 3; h->state = 3; Mix_PlayChannel( -1, sounds[SOUND_SUCCESS], 0 ); } else { int cur = h->og.army_listcur; info_save_army(gst->army_bp+0, h->og.army_list[cur]); h->og.army_listcur = i; info_load_army(gst->army_bp+0, h->og.army_list[i]); Mix_PlayChannel( -1, sounds[SOUND_SUCCESS], 0 ); } } else if (h->nameedit == NULL) { float pn[2] = { x+wload+5, y+4 }; float w = get_text_width(h->og.army_list[i], t); if (w==0) w = 5; float sizen[2] = { w, 10 }; if (pt_rect(mousepos, pn, sizen)) { h->nameedit = h->og.army_list[i]; strcpy(h->og.army_rename, h->nameedit); h->og.input_army = i; } } } if (h->nameedit == NULL) { float pn[2] = { h->og.rect_battle.x+5, h->og.rect_battle.y+5 }; char sn[64]; sprintf(sn, "PLAYER NAME: %s", h->og.playername); float sizen[2] = { get_text_width(sn, t), 10 }; if (pt_rect(mousepos, pn, sizen)) { h->nameedit = h->og.playername; h->og.input_playername = 1; } } if (h->nameedit == NULL) { float wjoin = get_text_width("join game", t); float pn[2] = { h->og.join_game.pos[0]+wjoin + 4*2+10, h->og.join_game.pos[1]+4 }; char sn[64]; sprintf(sn, "IP: %s", h->og.playername); float sizen[2] = { get_text_width(sn, t), 10 }; if (pt_rect(mousepos, pn, sizen)) { h->nameedit = h->og.ip; h->og.input_ip = 1; } } if (h->og.start_battle_flag == 1) { h->og.start_battle_flag = 0; } if (mouse_in_button(mousepos, t, &h->og.start_battle)) { h->og.start_battle_flag = 1; } } // rm unit if (mkb->mheld[2] == 1) { Mix_PlayChannel( -1, sounds[SOUND_MOUSE_CLICK_0], 0 ); int x = (int)((mkb->mx+gst->cam[0])/32); int y = (int)((mkb->my+gst->cam[1])/32); if (x >= 0 && y >= 0 && x < m->sx && y < m->sy) { if (ar->grid[xytoi(m,x,y)] != NULL) { unit_remove(ar, m, ar->grid[xytoi(m,x,y)]); } } } } void hud_edit_name(hud *h, infos *info, MKb *mkb, Mix_Chunk *sounds[]) { if (h->nameedit == NULL) return; for (int i=0; ikbnum; i++) { if (strlen(h->nameedit) < 31) { if (mkb->kb[i] >= SDL_SCANCODE_A && mkb->kb[i] <= SDL_SCANCODE_Z) { char c = mkb->kb[i]-SDL_SCANCODE_A+'a'; if (SDL_GetModState() & KMOD_SHIFT) { c = mkb->kb[i]-SDL_SCANCODE_A+'A'; } sprintf(h->nameedit, "%s%c", h->nameedit, c); } if (mkb->kb[i] >= SDL_SCANCODE_1 && mkb->kb[i] <= SDL_SCANCODE_9) { char c = mkb->kb[i]-SDL_SCANCODE_1+'1'; sprintf(h->nameedit, "%s%c", h->nameedit, c); } if (mkb->kb[i] >= SDL_SCANCODE_KP_1 && mkb->kb[i] <= SDL_SCANCODE_KP_9) { char c = mkb->kb[i]-SDL_SCANCODE_KP_1+'1'; sprintf(h->nameedit, "%s%c", h->nameedit, c); } if (mkb->kb[i] == SDL_SCANCODE_KP_0 || mkb->kb[i] == SDL_SCANCODE_0) { sprintf(h->nameedit, "%s0", h->nameedit); } if (mkb->kb[i] == SDL_SCANCODE_KP_PERIOD || mkb->kb[i] == SDL_SCANCODE_PERIOD) { sprintf(h->nameedit, "%s.", h->nameedit); } } } if (mkb_search(mkb, SDL_SCANCODE_SPACE)) { Mix_PlayChannel( -1, sounds[SOUND_SUCCESS], 0 ); if (strlen(h->nameedit) < 31) { sprintf(h->nameedit, "%s ", h->nameedit); } } if (mkb_search(mkb, SDL_SCANCODE_BACKSPACE)) { if (strlen(h->nameedit) > 0) h->nameedit[strlen(h->nameedit)-1] = '\0'; } if (mkb_search(mkb, SDL_SCANCODE_ESCAPE) || mkb_search(mkb, SDL_SCANCODE_RETURN)) { Mix_PlayChannel( -1, sounds[SOUND_SUCCESS], 0 ); hud_edit_close(h, info); return; } } void hud_process (graphic_settings *gs, hud *h, MKb *mkb, infos *info, army *ar, map *m, txtd *t, gamestate *gst, net_client *netc, net_server *nets, Mix_Chunk *sounds[]) { if (h->nameedit != NULL) { hud_edit_name(h, info, mkb, sounds); } switch (h->state) { case 0: hud_process_overlay_game(gs, h, mkb, info, ar, m, t, gst, netc, nets, sounds); break; case 1: hud_process_form_new_unit(gs, h, mkb, info, ar, m, t, sounds); break; case 2: hud_process_sel(gs, h, mkb, info, ar, m, t, sounds); break; case 3: hud_process_overlay_battle(gs, h, mkb, info, ar, m, t, gst, sounds); break; } } // RENDER void hud_render_sel (hud_sel *sc, MKb *mkb, info_unit *u, SDL_Renderer* rend, SDL_Texture *sprites, txtd *t, infos *info, int sel, int ind, float time) { int8_t *n = NULL; int bound = 0; int size[2]; hud_map_sel(u, info, sel, ind, &n, &bound, size); SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(rend, 150, 200, 0, 255); SDL_RenderFillRect(rend, &sc->rect_back); SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(rend, 0, 0, 0, 255); SDL_RenderDrawRect(rend, &sc->rect_back); SDL_RenderSetClipRect(rend, &sc->rect_back); int i; for (int j=-7;jrect_back.w/size[0]+1; j++) { i = *n+j - (int)sc->nav/size[0]; if (i<-1) continue; if (i>=bound) break; float x = sc->rect_back.x+size[0]*j+(int)sc->nav%size[0]+sc->start; float y = sc->rect_back.y; SDL_Rect r = { x, y, size[0]+1, size[1] }; SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(rend, 150, 200, 120, 255); SDL_RenderFillRect(rend, &r); SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(rend, 0, 0, 0, 255); SDL_RenderDrawRect(rend, &r); if (sel==0) { int lvl = u->levels[LEVEL_CHASSIS]; render_view_chassis(rend, t, x, y, info, i, lvl, sprites); } if (sel==1) { int lvl = u->levels[LEVEL_BRAIN]; render_view_brain(rend, t, x, y, info, i, lvl); } if (sel==2) { int lvl = u->levels[LEVEL_BATTERY]; render_view_battery(rend, t, x, y, info, i, lvl); } if (sel==3) { int lvl = u->levels[LEVEL_WEAPONS+ind]; render_view_weapon_detail(rend, t, x, y, info, i, lvl); } if (sel==4) { int lvl = u->levels[LEVEL_ARMOR+ind]; render_view_armor_detail(rend, t, x, y, info, i, lvl); } if (sel==5) { int lvl = u->levels[LEVEL_AUGS+ind]; render_view_aug_detail(rend, t, x, y, info, i, lvl); } } SDL_RenderSetClipRect(rend, NULL); } void hud_render_form_new_unit (form_new_unit *fnu, MKb *mkb, SDL_Renderer* rend, txtd *t, infos *info, SDL_Texture *sprites, float time) { SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(rend, 150, 200, 255, 255); SDL_RenderFillRect(rend, &fnu->rect_back); SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(rend, 200, 0, 255, 255); SDL_RenderFillRect(rend, &fnu->rect_chassis); SDL_RenderFillRect(rend, &fnu->rect_brain); SDL_RenderFillRect(rend, &fnu->rect_battery); SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(rend, 255, 150, 50, 255); SDL_RenderFillRect(rend, &fnu->rect_stats); SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(rend, 0, 0, 0, 255); SDL_RenderDrawRect(rend, &fnu->rect_back); SDL_RenderDrawRect(rend, &fnu->rect_chassis); SDL_RenderDrawRect(rend, &fnu->rect_brain); SDL_RenderDrawRect(rend, &fnu->rect_battery); SDL_RenderDrawRect(rend, &fnu->rect_stats); render_view_stats(rend, t, fnu->rect_stats.x, fnu->rect_stats.y, info, &fnu->uinfo); int lc = fnu->uinfo.levels[LEVEL_CHASSIS]; if (fnu->uinfo.chassis != -1) { stats_comp *comp = info->stats[STATS_CHASSIS] +fnu->uinfo.chassis; for (int i=0; ibase[lc].slot_weapon; i++) { SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(rend, 200, 100, 255, 255); SDL_RenderFillRect(rend, fnu->rect_weapons+i); SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(rend, 0, 0, 0, 255); SDL_RenderDrawRect(rend, fnu->rect_weapons+i); render_view_weapon(rend, t, fnu->rect_weapons[i].x, fnu->rect_weapons[i].y, info, fnu->uinfo.weapons[i], fnu->uinfo.levels[LEVEL_WEAPONS+i]); } for (int i=0; ibase[lc].slot_armor; i++) { SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(rend, 200, 200, 255, 255); SDL_RenderFillRect(rend, fnu->rect_armor+i); SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(rend, 0, 0, 0, 255); SDL_RenderDrawRect(rend, fnu->rect_armor+i); render_view_armor(rend, t, fnu->rect_armor[i].x, fnu->rect_armor[i].y, info, fnu->uinfo.armor[i], fnu->uinfo.levels[LEVEL_ARMOR+i]); } for (int i=0; ibase[lc].slot_aug; i++) { SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(rend, 200, 200, 255, 255); SDL_RenderFillRect(rend, fnu->rect_augs+i); SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(rend, 0, 0, 0, 255); SDL_RenderDrawRect(rend, fnu->rect_augs+i); render_view_aug(rend, t, fnu->rect_augs[i].x, fnu->rect_augs[i].y, info, fnu->uinfo.augs[i], fnu->uinfo.levels[LEVEL_AUGS+i]); } } char schassis[32] = "CHASSIS"; float wchassis = get_text_width(schassis, t)*2; float pchassis[2] = { fnu->rect_chassis.x+fnu->rect_chassis.w/2 - wchassis / 2, fnu->rect_chassis.y+fnu->rect_chassis.h + 7 }; render_text_scaled(rend, schassis, pchassis, t, 2); char sbrain[32] = "CONTROLLER"; float wbrain = get_text_width(sbrain, t)*2; float pbrain[2] = { fnu->rect_brain.x+fnu->rect_brain.w/2 - wbrain / 2, fnu->rect_brain.y - 16-7 }; render_text_scaled(rend, sbrain, pbrain, t, 2); char sbattery[32] = "BATTERY"; float wbattery = get_text_width(sbattery, t)*2; float pbattery[2] = { fnu->rect_battery.x+fnu->rect_battery.w/2 - wbattery / 2, fnu->rect_battery.y - 16-7 }; render_text_scaled(rend, sbattery, pbattery, t, 2); char sweapons[32] = "WEAPONS"; float wweapons = get_text_width(sweapons, t)*2; float pweapons[2] = { fnu->rect_weapons[0].x+fnu->rect_weapons[0].w/2 - wweapons / 2, fnu->rect_weapons[0].y - 16-7 }; render_text_scaled(rend, sweapons, pweapons, t, 2); char sarmor[32] = "ARMOR"; float warmor = get_text_width(sarmor, t)*2; float parmor[2] = { fnu->rect_armor[0].x+fnu->rect_armor[0].w/2 - warmor / 2, fnu->rect_armor[0].y - 16-7 }; render_text_scaled(rend, sarmor, parmor, t, 2); char saugs[32] = "AUGMENTS"; float waugs = get_text_width(saugs, t)*2; float pagus[2] = { fnu->rect_augs[0].x+fnu->rect_augs[0].w/2 - waugs / 2, fnu->rect_augs[0].y - 16-7 }; render_text_scaled(rend, saugs, pagus, t, 2); render_button(rend, t, &fnu->done); int err = hud_fnu_check(&fnu->uinfo, info); char serr[32] = "ok"; if (err==1) strcpy(serr, "select a chassis"); if (err==2) strcpy(serr, "select a battery"); if (err==3) strcpy(serr, "select a controller"); if (err==4) strcpy(serr, "overburdened, remove weight"); float werr = get_text_width(serr, t); float perr[2] = { fnu->done.pos[0]-werr-10, fnu->done.pos[1]+fnu->done.pad }; render_text_scaled(rend, serr, perr, t, 1); render_view_chassis(rend, t, fnu->rect_chassis.x, fnu->rect_chassis.y, info, fnu->uinfo.chassis, fnu->uinfo.levels[LEVEL_CHASSIS], sprites); render_view_battery(rend, t, fnu->rect_battery.x, fnu->rect_battery.y, info, fnu->uinfo.battery, fnu->uinfo.levels[LEVEL_BATTERY]); render_view_brain(rend, t, fnu->rect_brain.x, fnu->rect_brain.y, info, fnu->uinfo.brain, fnu->uinfo.levels[LEVEL_BRAIN]); } void hud_render_overlay_game (overlay_game *og, MKb *mkb, SDL_Renderer* rend, txtd *t, infos *info, SDL_Texture *sprites, gamestate *gst, float time) { SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(rend, 40, 150, 200, 255); SDL_RenderFillRect(rend, &og->rect_templates); SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(rend, 0, 0, 0, 255); SDL_RenderDrawRect(rend, &og->rect_templates); char stemp[32] = "TEMPLATES"; float ptemp[2] = { og->rect_templates.x+10, og->rect_templates.y+10 }; render_text_scaled(rend, stemp, ptemp, t, 2); render_button(rend, t, &og->new_template); render_button(rend, t, &og->save_templates); for (int i=0; itemplateslen; i++) { float px = og->rect_templates.x+5; float py = og->rect_templates.y+5 + i*20 + 30; { button b = { "edit", 4, { px, py } }; render_button(rend, t, &b); } float wedit = get_text_width("edit", t); { button b = { "place", 4, { px+wedit+2*4+5, py } }; render_button(rend, t, &b); } float wplace = get_text_width("place", t); float pname[2] = { wplace+wedit+4*4+10+px, py+4 }; char *sname = info->templates[i].name; char sn[64]; if (og->input_temp == i && time - ((long)time) < 0.5) { sprintf(sn, "%s_", sname); } else { sprintf(sn, "%s", sname); } render_text_scaled(rend, sn, pname, t, 1); } SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(rend, 0, 200, 120, 255); SDL_RenderFillRect(rend, &og->rect_army); SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(rend, 0, 0, 0, 255); SDL_RenderDrawRect(rend, &og->rect_army); char sarmy[32] = "ARMY"; float parmy[2] = { og->rect_army.x+10, og->rect_army.y+10 }; render_text_scaled(rend, sarmy, parmy, t, 2); float cost = 0; for (int i=0; iarmy_bp[0].uslen; i++) { cost += 10; } float cx = og->rect_army.x+5; float cy = og->rect_army.y+5 + 30; float p[2] = { cx, cy }; char s[64]; sprintf(s, "COST: %.0f", cost); render_text_scaled(rend, s, p, t, 1); button b = { "load", 4, { 0, 0 } }; for (int i=0; iarmy_listlen; i++) { float x = og->rect_army.x+5; float y = og->rect_army.y+5 + i*20 + 50; float bw = get_text_width("load", t)+4*2; b.pos[0] = x; b.pos[1] = y; render_button(rend, t, &b); char sn[64]; if (og->input_army == i && time - ((long)time) < 0.5) { sprintf(sn, "%s_", og->army_list[i]); } else { sprintf(sn, "%s", og->army_list[i]); } float pa[2] = { x+bw+5, y+4 }; render_text_scaled(rend, sn, pa, t, 1); if (og->army_listcur == i) { float w = get_text_width(sn, t); float pe[2] = { x+bw+5+w+5, y+4 }; render_text_scaled(rend, "<- editing", pe, t, 1); } } render_button(rend, t, &og->save_army); render_button(rend, t, &og->new_army); render_button(rend, t, &og->delete_army); SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(rend, 250, 60, 60, 255); SDL_RenderFillRect(rend, &og->rect_battle); SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(rend, 0, 0, 0, 255); SDL_RenderDrawRect(rend, &og->rect_battle); float pn[2] = { og->rect_battle.x+5, og->rect_battle.y+5 }; char sn[64]; if (og->input_playername == 1 && time - ((long)time) < 0.5) { sprintf(sn, "PLAYER NAME: %s_", og->playername); } else { sprintf(sn, "PLAYER NAME: %s", og->playername); } render_text_scaled(rend, sn, pn, t, 1); float wjoin = get_text_width("join game", t); float pip[2] = { og->join_game.pos[0]+wjoin + 4*2+10, og->join_game.pos[1]+4 }; char sip[64]; int _; if (og->input_ip == 1 && time - ((long)time) < 0.5) { sprintf(sip, "IP: %s_", og->ip); } else { sprintf(sip, "IP: %s", og->ip); } render_text_scaled(rend, sip, pip, t, 1); render_button(rend, t, &og->host_game); render_button(rend, t, &og->join_game); if (og->start_battle_flag == 0) { render_button(rend, t, &og->start_battle); } else { char stip[32] = "select an army to fight"; float wbat = get_text_width("start battle", t); float wtip = get_text_width(stip, t); float ptip[2] = { og->start_battle.pos[0]-wtip+wbat-5+4*2, og->start_battle.pos[1]+4 }; render_text_scaled(rend, stip, ptip, t, 1); } if (og->temp_place != -1) { SDL_Rect srcRect = { info->templates[og->temp_place].chassis*32, 32, 32, 32 }; SDL_Rect dstRect = { mkb->mx - 16, mkb->my - 16, 32, 32 }; SDL_RenderCopy(rend, sprites, &srcRect, &dstRect); } } void hud_render_overlay_battle (overlay_battle *ob, MKb *mkb, SDL_Renderer* rend, txtd *t, infos *info, gamestate *gst, float time) { SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(rend, 240, 240, 240, 255); SDL_RenderFillRect(rend, &ob->rect_back); SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(rend, 0, 0, 0, 255); SDL_RenderDrawRect(rend, &ob->rect_back); float x = ob->rect_back.x, y = ob->rect_back.y; float w = ob->rect_back.w; float h = 10; { float p[2] = { x+10, y+h }; char s[32]; sprintf(s, "vs: %s", ob->oppo); render_text_scaled(rend, s, p, t, 2); } h += 35; { float p[2] = { x+10, y+h }; char s[64]; sprintf(s, "%s", gst->army_bp[0].name); render_text_scaled(rend, s, p, t, 1); char p2[64]; sprintf(p2, "%s", gst->army_bp[1].name); float p2w = get_text_width(p2, t); float q[2] = { x+w-10-p2w, y+h }; render_text_scaled(rend, p2, q, t, 1); } h += 20; { float cost = 0; for (int i=0; iarmy_bp[0].uslen; i++) { cost += 10; } float p[2] = { x+10, y+h }; char s[64]; sprintf(s, "COST: %.0f", cost); render_text_scaled(rend, s, p, t, 1); float cost2 = 0; for (int i=0; iarmy_bp[1].uslen; i++) { cost2 += 10; } char p2[64]; sprintf(p2, "COST: %.0f", cost2); float p2w = get_text_width(p2, t); float q[2] = { x+w-10-p2w, y+h }; render_text_scaled(rend, p2, q, t, 1); } h += 15; { float dps = 0; for (int i=0; iar.uslen; i++) { if (gst->ar.us[i].hp <= 0) continue; if (gst->ar.us[i].owner == 0) { dps += 3; } } float p[2] = { x+10, y+h }; char s[64]; sprintf(s, "DAMAGE: %.0f", dps); render_text_scaled(rend, s, p, t, 1); float dps2 = 0; for (int i=0; iar.uslen; i++) { if (gst->ar.us[i].hp <= 0) continue; if (gst->ar.us[i].owner == 1) { dps2 += 3; } } char p2[64]; sprintf(p2, "DAMAGE: %.0f", dps2); float p2w = get_text_width(p2, t); float q[2] = { x+w-10-p2w, y+h }; render_text_scaled(rend, p2, q, t, 1); } h += 15; } void hud_render (hud *h, SDL_Renderer* rend, txtd *t, MKb *mkb, infos *info, SDL_Texture *sprites, gamestate *gst, float time) { switch (h->state) { case 0: hud_render_overlay_game(&h->og, mkb, rend, t, info, sprites, gst, time); break; case 1: hud_render_overlay_game(&h->og, mkb, rend, t, info, sprites, gst, time); hud_render_form_new_unit(&h->fnu, mkb, rend, t, info, sprites, time); break; case 2: hud_render_overlay_game(&h->og, mkb, rend, t, info, sprites, gst, time); hud_render_form_new_unit(&h->fnu, mkb, rend, t, info, sprites, time); hud_render_sel(&h->sc, mkb, &h->fnu.uinfo, rend, sprites, t, info, h->fnu.sel, h->fnu.ind, time); break; case 3: hud_render_overlay_battle(&h->ob, mkb, rend, t, info, gst, time); break; } }